
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.





I think this is an industry first? We're launching Signals, a way to analyze and answer questions over thousands of calls with insane accuracy in seconds.
Signals takes qualitative data such as customer calls like user research, sales, onboarding, support, and then extracts an insane amount of information from them, and then lets you filter through it like it's quantitative data. It feels like magic.
You can look over thousands of calls and answer:
"What feature requests were made in the past month, and which ones were the most severe and would impact our retention?"
"What issues did customers have in the past year where they were frustrated and would have the highest impact on revenue?"
The list goes on; I've spent hours just playing with it and finding insights.
If you've ever done this work manually, you know how many hours this can take, if it can be done at all.
Now, this data isn't just accessible; it can answer these questions in seconds.
Signals is in beta for paid customers and will be available to everyone soon.
  • App now works fairly well on mobile, and can easily added as web app on iPhone or Android
  • Folders now default to public.
  • Changed “Join Slack” to “Slack Priority Support” and linked to Typeform.
  • Users with unpaid accounts can no longer create new workspaces.
  • Hovering over a call card now expands the entire call brief as before.
  • Fixed alignment issue where call processing subtext was too close to left text.
  • Fixed menu bar issues on settings page.
  • Fixed unresponsive label participants button after upload.
  • After deleting a recording, users are now taken back to the list view instead of a 404 screen.
  • Fixed issues where folders didn’t display calls, new document view was inaccessible, and chat bar was hidden.
  • Adding calls from folders now works properly.
  • Removed “Select All” option from create document call selection screen.
  • Fixed issue where messages moved to new thread after switching chats; now messages in input box are saved per screen.
  • Fixed error when uploading profile pictures; now displays correctly after refreshing.
3.4.6 is now out with a few QoL improvements!
First, we've launched 3 new notifications over email for your team and customers:
  • Personal Call Summaries can now be sent to you right after a call with links of getting into the call (default on for existing users).
  • External Call Summaries can now be sent automatically to your customers/clients (default off for existing users, you can turn this on under settings).
  • Pre-call consent emails can be sent to the people you're having a call with 24 hours before the call. It goes over why the bot is joining, and provides additional context around privacy and security for peace of mind.
We've also launch filtering options for Folders, where you can now sort by by newest or oldest calls!
CleanShot 2024-04-09 at 17
  • Missing Badge for zero attendee calls: Rectified an issue where calls with zero attendees were not displaying the “Unlabeled participants” badge.
  • Bot View Settings Bug: Resolved a bug where bot view settings were not being applied correctly. Users can now set the bot view to gallery or speaker view in settings, with the chosen setting properly implemented and recorded.
  • “New Chat” Button: Added a new button to initiate a chat directly from call panels and folder chat panels.
  • Summary Display: Implemented a summary display on the call page, accessible even if participants remain unlabeled. Summary is now available in the default tab while the labeling flow is in a separate tab.
  • Call Permissions Handling: Redesigned call permissions and attendees handling to prevent duplicate key errors and streamline the assignment flow.
  • Assign Flow Copy: Updated the wording throughout the assign flow for clearer understanding, replacing “assign speaker” with “label participant.”
  • Call Details Visibility: Enhanced visibility by displaying call details such as title, tags, and short description above the participant labeling section.
  • Assign Button Enhancement: Improved the visibility of the assign button by adding a red counter badge indicating the number of unassigned speakers.
  • Assign Screen Sorting: Implemented sorting of the assign screen into two categories: assigned and unassigned participants.
  • Assign Dropdown Sorting: Sorted team members to the top of the assign dropdown menu by default for quicker access.
  • Auto-Labeling Retroactively: Resolved a bug where labeling a participant to a screen name now ensures auto-labeling on all other calls retroactively.
  • Call Summary Generation: Enhanced the call summary generation process to occur immediately after transcript completion, using screen names from the recorder if participants are not auto-assigned.
  • Calendar Event Integration: Improved calendar event integration by attempting to retrieve attendees for overlapping events with ad hoc bots, ensuring accurate call details extraction.
  • Merge Permissions: Fixed a bug related to permissions during the merge people flow.
  • Email Validation: Resolved a bug requiring email validation during the assign flow’s person creation.
  • .edu Domain Access: Corrected the allowance of 2 hours of free recording only for .edu email addresses.
  • Assign Participant Popover: Fixed an issue where the assign participant popover would sometimes fail to open if already clicked.
  • Refresh Notification: Rectified a bug where the refresh to update logic was not functioning correctly, ensuring proper notification upon new version releases.
  • Transcript Processing: Fixed a bug where the call page prompted user labeling before transcript processing completion.
  • Search Functionality: Addressed a bug where index-based search failed to display recent chat threads.
  • Unassigned Speaker Notification: Added a label to the call card in the call grid view to notify users of unassigned speakers.
  • Summary Display: Now displays the summary on the call page regardless of labeling completion, ensuring transcript accessibility even during ongoing labeling tasks.
3.4.4 is live, and it comes with one of our largest quality of life improvements.
Most of these QOL improvements come from the feedback we via Intercom, Slack, and over Email.
We listen and we care a lot. So please continue to send us even the smallest bits of friction and feedback.
We ship improvements regularly and want you to have a great experience.
New Document Types
  • Job Candidate Interview—great for evaluating candidates.
  • Product Requirements Document—turn calls about features into human-grade documentation your team can digest.
Call & People Improvements
  • Assignment Flow Overhaul: Completely redesigned assignment process for post-call automation and manual assignment. Note: To reduce wrong assignments you may need to assign people again once. It will remember the next time around!
  • Merging People Profiles: New functionality to merge duplicate profiles in the people section.
  • Edit Call Date: Revised feature allowing users to correct the date of their calls. Great for calls you're uploading and want to update when it was created v.s. uploaded.
  • Custom transcript dictionary words: That means people's names, companies, products, etc., can be hard coded into the transcription processing. This has been a huge feature request and excited to have launched it.
  • Adjustable Recording Views: Choose your preferred view (speaker or gallery) for recording captures. Default has been changed to Gallery so you can see everyone on calls by default. You can change this in settings.
  • Calendar Privacy Update: Now when you change the permission for your call privacy, it will proactively update all upcoming calls. Please reset this if this is something you prefer.
  • Google Authentication: Seamlessly log in with your existing Google for a new account or merge your current account with your Google!
  • Calendar Display Clarity: Events within 24 hours marked as ‘Tomorrow’ and exact hours for same-day events.
  • Workspace Only Permissions: Updated permissions terminology for clarity (public is now “Workspace Only”).
  • Adjustments to manual uploads: Configuration changes and retry logic has been added to the manual upload flow.
  • Folder Chat Update: Folder navigation now defaults to the most recent chat for better access.
  • Chat Persistence Bug Fix: Resolved issue with messages lingering in the message bar after being sent.
  • Bot Scheduling Precision: Enhanced the timing of bot deployment to meetings for exact coordination.
New Features
Desktop App: A powerful new way to access BuildBetter directly from your desktop, streamlining your workflow in a standalone application.
Local Recording: Introducing the ability to record your system audio and microphone locally, ensuring you capture every detail during calls without relying on external tools.
Statement of Work Document: We’ve expanded our document offerings with the addition of the Statement of Work Document, helping you outline the scope of work, deliverables, and timelines for projects with ease.
Message Formatting: Enhanced the styling of lists in user messages to ensure better readability and coherence.
Folders Navigation: Users can now smoothly scroll through an extensive list of folders when adding new items to folders via the menu, improving navigation and usability.
Privacy Settings Overview: Added an informative new video in the privacy settings to help users better understand and manage their privacy preferences with confidence.
Subscription Sync: Resolved an issue where subscriptions caused upcoming calls to display a “loading calendar events” message when offline.
Call Join URL Flexibility: The requirement for a call join URL to begin with ‘https://’ has been removed, allowing for a broader range of link formats.





We’ve introduced Folders moving away from our Projects-only views to help you better organize your calls within BuildBetter.
  • All projects have been seamlessly converted into Folders. You can keep your calls from existing projects in folders.
  • You can now chat with all the calls in a Folder! Great for projects, process documentation, sales composition, onboarding, and user research. It's pretty magical.
  • Instead of relying on tagging to add calls to folders, you can now drag calls into folders and easily select calls one by one to be added to folders.
Part of this update is we will be getting rid of Project Briefs, if you would like a copy of your auto-updating project briefs please reply and we can email those to you!
  • Document Update: We’ve updated the documents generator to improve output like citations and formatting (more to come here soon).
  • Bot Image Reflection: We’ve squashed a bug that prevented the bot image from reflecting the correct bot state. Your bot should now visually represent its current status accurately.
  • Public Summary Edits: Resolved an issue where the public summary version did not reflect the user’s edits correctly. Public summaries should now display properly post-editing.
  • Summary Headers Duplication: Fixed a bug that caused multiple summary headers to appear after regenerating a summary. You should now see a single, clean header as expected.
  • Call Loading Under People Profiles: Addressed an issue where calls were not properly loading under individual people section profiles. Calls should now be accessible from the respective profiles without a hitch.
  • Fixing Google Auth for some users unable to authorize Google Calendar.




  • Bot image now changes depending on the state it is in
  • Calendar service now only supports v2 (it's twice as good)
  • Updated Zoom Assets
  • Fixes to Zoom auth flow to restore functionality in Zoom App
  • Improved assembly to delete transcript flow to increase security/privacy exposure
  • Added additional tracking events to share pages as requested.



Holy moly is this an update.
The biggest thing to talk about here is Chat, it's completely rebuilt from the ground up.
BB Chat can now:
  • Embed more calls (up to 3x more)
  • Give higher hyper-detailed responses (not right inside the call view)
  • Can now save information about you and your company for it to retrieve from in the future
  • Now includes call citations for every document type
  • Better markdown
  • Allows more and longer calls embedded
BB Recorder
  • Bot image now changes depending on the state
  • Made it easier in BuildBetter to know if or why the bot isn't recording
  • Added an option to remove the bot from a call on the call page
More New
  • Redesigned the call page to integrate a chat panel
  • Implemented the ability for users to edit the main call summary and call briefs
  • Provided an option to copy calls between workspaces
  • Improved Summary quality with new assistant
  • We can now provide per-domain sign-up upon contact (instructions in Settings)
  • Added captions to the video element to improve accessibility
  • Implemented new onboarding screens
  • You can now leave a workspace
  • Refined the copy-and-paste functionality to exclude font color.
  • Introduced drag and drop example graphic in new chat onboarding screen.
  • Included a banner alert on old chats to inform users about the transition to the new chat system
  • Added a scheduling option for onboarding calls on the pricing page
  • Reworked how real-time subscriptions are managed (things should stay up-to-date without refreshing)
  • Set upcoming calendar events to adopt the organizer’s permission settings
  • Adjusted the upload view to fit within the scroll view limits
  • Updated toast notifications to appear above modals
  • Modified upcoming events visibility to last until the end of the event
  • Improved user notification when the account type for Microsoft Teams is not permitted
  • AI moments have been sunset
  • Made it easier for support to associate a domain with an organization for auto-join
  • Limited document call selector to only list calls with ready transcripts.
  • Fixed internal tooling to help CS with user and organization management
  • Enabled the use of coupons in the checkout flow
  • Fixed a user creation issue during the labeling flow
  • Resolved an issue that caused call ready emails to be sent multiple times
  • Fixed caching issue with the index.html file to prevent broken application updates after deployment
  • Addressed a bug where new chat threads failed to appear in the thread list
  • Corrected an issue where upload view exceeded the scroll view
  • Solved a problem where copying and pasting text would include white text color
  • Enhanced user experience by warning before a workspace switch interrupts call upload.
  • Resolved a problem with calls endlessly loading when opened in the incorrect workspace
  • Fixed a visual glitch where documents jolt upwards upon opening
  • Remedied Chat display issues that caused it to exceed screen boundaries
  • Renamed “call” labels to “recording” throughout the app for consistency
  • Resolved a file compatibility issue with audio playback in Safari
  • Addressed a bug where clicking beside the cancel upload button would erroneously open the call
  • Fixed settings close button functionality to cease acting as a back button.
  • Corrected persona description text overflow issues in settings.
  • Altered tag creation behavior to focus on the first option in the dropdown when hitting enter, instead of opening member assignment
  • Fixed a disruption where filters with no results caused the filter box to disappear
  • Resolved multiple call selection issues during document creation that led to stalling and errors
  • Fixed a display issue where the Team Members view was misaligned
  • Increased timeout on the load balancer so that we don't time out on document generation
Big big update.
This has been over a month in the working, many moving parts, but we, without a doubt, got over a month's worth of releases in this release.
1) Disabling Upcoming Calls -> You can now on the home screen disable upcoming calls. To enable this, re-authorize your Google Calendar (in settings) and you'll see a new section on the home screen to turn on/off upcoming calls and pre-select privacy.
2) Documents -> Go from call -> Documents in one click. You can find this new section in the left navigation, then create new document, select from one of our first few documents: Customer Call Analysis, Q&A Extraction, Magic Minutes, User Persona.
Each custom trained for their specific use case, their wicked good.
3) Support for 15 additional languages: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Finnish, Korean, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
  • Search is now fully available to everyone
  • New billing management section and improved trials
  • Notification section when there are issues or problems
  • Added more call states to the call card (joining call, recording (leave button)
  • New call card design
  • Call recording now goes up to 720P
  • Fixes an issue where you couldn’t select role in participant labeling (due to broken UI)
  • Put call grid query on a 30 sec poll (temporary patch until we have a more solid websocket solution)
  • Outlook fixed
Welcome Home.
We're introducing two huge wins for you this week.
a Home screen. A place to quickly create new Chats, Projects, and Join Calls.
We've also made it easy to go into your most recent calls, projects, and chats in one click.
(Beta - invite only) Second,
Yes, you can now actually search. Find not just calls but search through all transcripts and even chats. This means you find that piece of research buried under months of calls, and find that one user who said that one thing that one time.
Profile Redesign:
The “Edit Profile” screen has been completely redesigned, allowing you to upload an avatar image to personalize your profile.
Organization Screen Redesign:
The “Edit Organization” screen has also undergone a redesign, now allowing you to upload a company logo.
Improved Typing Experience:
We’ve addressed performance issues to eliminate the slowdown in chat when typing.
URL Join Fix:
We’ve resolved the issue where “Join via URL” incorrectly required “https://“.
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