πŸš€ What's New
Slack Integration – Create Signals from Slack
  • Users can now
    create signals directly from Slack conversations
    , specifying
    signal type and context
    through a
    popup interface
    for seamless workflow integration.
Manual Signal Content Regeneration
  • A new
    "Regenerate Signal" feature
    lets users
    manually generate AI Signal content
    by selecting a
    specific time range
    from call transcripts.
Smarter Interview Summary Management
  • Interview summaries now
    automatically track the latest version
    , ensuring
    only the most recent summaries
    remain active.
✨ Improvements & Enhancements
More Precise Data Extraction
  • Users can now
    define optional time ranges
    for extractions, allowing for
    more targeted and relevant results
Faster Query Performance
  • Optimized queries for filtering & data retrieval
    , improving
    speed and efficiency
    in user-scoped extractions and permissions checks.
Schema Updates for Slack Compatibility
  • Fully integrated
    Slack as a supported type
    across relevant database structures and APIs.
Optimized Interview Summary Performance
  • Added indexing to improve query speed
    , ensuring
    faster retrieval of the latest summaries
πŸ› Bug Fixes
More Reliable Signal & Summary Processing
  • Fixed invitee email rule inconsistencies
    , ensuring invitees follow the same rules as attendees.
  • Corrected signal display logic
    , so the
    "Edit Clip" button
    only appears for signals linked to calls.
  • Improved "Uncategorized" tab filtering
    , making extractions
    more accurate and efficient
    . .