


I think this is an industry first? We're launching Signals, a way to analyze and answer questions over thousands of calls with insane accuracy in seconds.
Signals takes qualitative data such as customer calls like user research, sales, onboarding, support, and then extracts an insane amount of information from them, and then lets you filter through it like it's quantitative data. It feels like magic.
You can look over thousands of calls and answer:
"What feature requests were made in the past month, and which ones were the most severe and would impact our retention?"
"What issues did customers have in the past year where they were frustrated and would have the highest impact on revenue?"
The list goes on; I've spent hours just playing with it and finding insights.
If you've ever done this work manually, you know how many hours this can take, if it can be done at all.
Now, this data isn't just accessible; it can answer these questions in seconds.
Signals is in beta for paid customers and will be available to everyone soon.
  • App now works fairly well on mobile, and can easily added as web app on iPhone or Android
  • Folders now default to public.
  • Changed “Join Slack” to “Slack Priority Support” and linked to Typeform.
  • Users with unpaid accounts can no longer create new workspaces.
  • Hovering over a call card now expands the entire call brief as before.
  • Fixed alignment issue where call processing subtext was too close to left text.
  • Fixed menu bar issues on settings page.
  • Fixed unresponsive label participants button after upload.
  • After deleting a recording, users are now taken back to the list view instead of a 404 screen.
  • Fixed issues where folders didn’t display calls, new document view was inaccessible, and chat bar was hidden.
  • Adding calls from folders now works properly.
  • Removed “Select All” option from create document call selection screen.
  • Fixed issue where messages moved to new thread after switching chats; now messages in input box are saved per screen.
  • Fixed error when uploading profile pictures; now displays correctly after refreshing.